
PLADE develops PLADE M4, an innovative platform for risk modelling and analysis in complex industrial systems. Our focus lies in automating and modernizing modeling and quantification activities to assist our clients in making informed decisions and effectively managing their risks.

At PLADE, we aim to shape the next generation of risk analysis for the industry. We believe that by integrating advanced technologies and automation, efficiency can be enhanced and accuracy improved to assess complex risks in industrial systems.

PLADE stands out for its technological excellence, industry expertise, and innovation. Our solutions are designed to meet the requirements and challenges of our clients, helping them gain a competitive advantage.

Interested in learning more about PLADE and our solutions? Contact our team today to schedule a tailored demo and discover how we can help you improve your risk analysis processes and achieve your goals.


PLADE M4 - Next generation risk modelling and analysis platform

Our goal is to modernize the way risk models are engineered and quantified in order to increase efficiency and quality of the whole risk engineering process.

Automation: One of our main objectifs is to disburden risk analysts from recurrent tasks that can be automated. Our goal is to enable frequent and early feedback about model modifications, model consistency and quantification results and to ensure ongoing consistency between models and results. We provide advanced capacities for automation:

  • pipeline engineering to automate processes related to model engineering or quantification
  • notification system to inform analysts about automated executions
  • event system to trigger executions automatically, for example in case of model modifications
  • external APIs to trigger executions from third party tools

We provide advanced capacities for model engineering:

  • model consistency tests (model checking) to identify modeling errors
  • model generation to generate models (partly or fully) from other artefacts
  • scripting APIs to create and edit models programmatically
  • cartographie engines to analyse dependencies between model elements
  • model documentation to describe and link model elements by documentation

We provide advanced capacities for change management:

  • version control to manage versions of models and results
  • model comparison to figure out differences between models and results
  • model fusion to incorporate model modifications

We provide advanced capacities for risk quantification:

  • on-the-fly quantifications to provide instant feedback
  • partial quantifications to quantify model deltas
  • result caching to accelerate quantifications
